Sunday, August 27, 2017

Japan Blog: Day 1

Got the red eye flight going to Nagoya from the Philippines. We arrived around 545 am japan time at Chubu international airport.

When you get to immigration, we were asked for a travel itenerary. Unfortunately, we didn't print out our estimated plans. I had to whip out our tickets, show the bus tickets, and hotel reservations. Luckily, most of them I had printed out or was stored in my phone. After the schedule was settled, we got the OK. Next was the customs. The customs officer out of nowhere asked me why i chose Nagoya. At first I was taken aback and didn't really get his question. He then asked again. Why Nagoya, not Tokyo or Osaka? I replied with a simple, "because the ticket was cheaper". The officer chuckled and welcomed us to Nagoya.

Next up, we had to exchange our peso to yen. We asked around and was pointed to Travelex. They were the nearest to take Philippine Peso. Rates sucks but we had no choice.

After that, I had to buy my child a discounted manaca card. A manaca (can be found in Nagoya area) card that works like octopus card in HK. Go straight to the Train ticketing counter to buy one. We presented his passport to prove that he's still what they consider a child. Japan considers 11 yrs (some establishments till 12 yo) amd below as child and has discounted rates for train/bus rides. Since were already there, I purchased one for myself and my wife. Expect to pay around 2000 yen min as 500 is for the card and 1500 for the load. As with other countries, you can get back the 500 plus remaining load, minus a service fee, if you return the card.

We hoped on the train going to Nagoya Station so we could ride the bus that would take us to Tokyo. Ride took a little less than an hour. When we areived at Nagoya station. We were at Meitetsu Mall. We proceeded to go to the Meitetsu Bus Center. What I totally forgot was the ticket was for a JR bus line! Once we got to the Bus Center, we noticed that the ticket didn't seem to line up with their schedules. Asked around and thankfully, a man working there pointed us in the right direction. But, once we got out of the mall. I accidentally went to the wrong direction! Making is go even further from where we should be. I finally thought of using the compass app on my phone and checking with the map the nice man gave us. Confirmed! I went the other direction. We walked back, then went past Meitetsu Mall, found the JR Shinkansen station, went past it, and looked for the Bic Mall as the one fronting it should hopefully be the right station. Once there and only 30 mins left for our bus schedule, I saw a man at the station assissting passengers. Showed him our ticket and said that our bus will be the next one. Jackpot! Since we haven't had the time to eat, grabbed some onigiris from the nearby konbini and waited for the bus.
We had the train all to ourselves for a couple of minutes.

Onigiri at the konbini near the bus station.

Double decker bus we rode from Nagoya to Tokyo.
Bus had leg room, charging port, cup holders, hooks, curtain, the works.

Bus departed at exactly 10am. First stop was at Enshumorimachi Parking Area, was to lazy to go down so I just slept thru it.

Our first rest stop for the day.

Next stop was at Ashigara Service Area. Saw part of Mt. Fuji. Bought some snacks and coffee from the convenience store and headed back to the bus. Service stops were only 15 mins. Final stop was at Tokyo station.
Saw a Ferrari F360 spyder at the Service Area
Our second stop going to Tokyo.
Mt. Fuji at the distance.

2nd onigiri for the day.

When we arrived to Tokyo station, we just walked to our hotel at kanda. Saw some whole in the wall restaurants. Ranging from western style, western inspired to japanese.

Entrance to our hotel. Hotel Mystays Kanda.
Small Area to hang clothes and place shoes.
The bathroom with small bathtub.
TV with local stations.
A queen size bed.
Just a few mins after we went in. Our stuff explodes out of the luggage.

After we checked in the hotel, showered, changed clothes then went to akihabara. It was paradise for scale builders, toy collectors, and electronics geeks. Only scratched the surface as we were hungry and searched for a place to eat. As it was dinner time, most places were full. Just ended up eating at Family mart.

Tower Records is still alive in Japan.
I don't know why its adding condiments to itself.

Walked a bit more to the now hidden shrine of Hanabusa Shrine.
When I searched this on Google Maps it looked so calming. Now its surrounded by buildings.

Saw the razer store. It's through a small door on the side of the building and down a flight of stairs.

Ate some takoyaki at Gindako.
Located below Don Quijote Akiba.
It has a crunchy outer shell and soft inside.

Saw a Mario Kart race in real life.

Gundam Cafe!

Lost at a claw machine. Didn't take pics as the loss is embarrassing. Hahaha!

Finally, went back to the hotel and called it a day.

1. Bring an estimated itenerary to show the immigration personnel. Back up with plane tickets, reservations from hotels, bus tickets, train tickets, or tourist reservations.

2. Exchange money at home country. Rates at airport forex is not good.

3. There is a small forex shop at akihabara that gives good rates. Won free candy at its small gachapon.

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