Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Japan Blog: Day 3

First stop of the day was Yodobashi-Akiba again. Soooo much to see!

Aisle upon aisle of Gundams!

After browsing and not finding any Choro-Q because it's currently out of stock, we headed to Ueno. Stopped by Starbucks Ueno for a quick snack.
Chocolate Chip Scone

Suddenly a Zeonic Toyota Auris Char's version passes by. LOL

Today we went to Ueno to look around Ameya Yokocho. These are streets with different types of fashion, shoes, and food. It was kind of overwhelming as it is composed of several streets. There was so much to see.

Grabbed some snacks at a Mister Donut and konbinis then we hanged out at the nearby Ueno park.

So much to choose from!

Ueno Park

A cafe in the park. Seems a good place to chillax.

A shrine for the fallen soldiers.

Saigo Takamori Statue

 Walk a bit futher and you'll see the Kiyomizu Kannon-do Temple.

Saw a random cat.

Another Cafe
 Path going to Gojoten Shrine

After the shrine, we followed the path and ended up at Shinobazunoike Bentendo.

We were fairly early so most of the stalls haven't opened yet.

Shinobazu pond

You could rent a pedal boat here and go about on the pond. 

After chilling by the playground at the park, we went to Don Quijote Ueno to do some grocery shopping.

Grocery haul for the day.

While walking back to Akihabara we saw an exhibit of the Hastsune Miku GT Racing Project.

Went by akihabara again to check out gachapons and 2nd hand electronics shops then finally called it a day and went back to the hotel.